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How Will AI Systems Enhance and Augment Human Creativity?

Artificial intelligence is a collection of technologies that work together to allow robots to detect, interpret, act, and learn at human-like levels of intelligence. Artificial intelligence has long been a source of excitement in both popular and scientific culture, with the potential to alter corporations as well as the whole interaction between humans and technology.

Machines have been employed to increase efficiency since the beginning of the first industrial revolution. We've entered the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a period in which machines will get smarter, self-optimizing their own systems and those in which they work. It's a change that's influencing many of the megatrends (pdf) we've identified, which are transforming the way the world operates.

Some have predicted the emergence of robots - a dismal future of mass unemployment and dehumanization as clever machines eliminate the need for humans. However, history shows that, although new technologies may eliminate the need for humans to do some activities, they also enable the development of totally new occupations – and even entirely new sectors. The problem is not to be innovative in conceptualizing how to utilize technology to create new possibilities, value, and growth.

It's difficult to argue against the impending abolition of occupations, particularly those involving rote labor and excessively repeated movements. According to recent McKinsey research, AI will replace 75-375 million jobs (3-14 percent of the global workforce) by 2030. The topic of whether an "AI apocalypse" harms human creativity, on the other hand, is far more disputed. Indeed, artificial intelligence technologies have already had an influence on creative fields. For example, IBM's Watson has already developed an AI-generated sci-fi movie trailer for 20th Century Fox, found and innovated food recipes, and made hundreds of advertisements for Toyota.

There are three main ways that technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI), might help people be more creative in addressing their needs:

1. Allowing humans to focus on creativity by freeing up time.

2. Providing chances to mix technology in novel ways to generate new ways of working.

3. Adding a layer of machine-driven data analysis to inform our creative decisions, enhancing human decision-making.

There are several definitions of artificial intelligence, but the most significant discussion focuses on what AI allows you to perform.

End-to-end efficiency: AI reduces costs by eliminating friction and improving analytics and resource use across your firm. It may help automate complicated operations and save downtime by anticipating maintenance requirements.

AI augments human intellect with extensive analytics and pattern prediction skills to increase employee choices' quality, effectiveness, and inventiveness.

Intelligent offerings: Because computers think differently than people, they can identify market gaps and opportunities faster, allowing you to deliver new goods, services, channels, and business models with unprecedented speed and quality.

Outstanding client service: For hyper customization, continuous machine learning delivers a consistent flow of 360-degree client information. Businesses can use AI to curate information in real

time and create high-touch experiences that promote growth, retention, and overall happiness, from 24/7 chatbots to speedier help desk routing.

The true potential of AI goes beyond simply freeing up our time to ponder or increasing efficiency. It's not only about enhancing and improving other technologies; it may also augment and increase human intellect by assisting us in making better decisions. In a world where there is more data than ever before, the human mind is not naturally geared to identify relationships among thousands of data points. When human brilliance is combined with the huge computing power of AI techniques, we may be able to push back the bounds of our understanding of the world. Rather than merely giving a faster way to review data, AI may encourage more creative thinking about how to use data by suggesting possibilities that people may not have considered. Intelligent assistants with conversational interfaces are already being used to improve real-time decision-making processes, allowing less experienced individuals to draw into an entire industry's pooled expertise and offering better ways to handle technical difficulties. Over the next decade, these AI assistants will be given more difficult duties, allowing humans to innovate by focusing on finding the best answer rather than merely displaying options, or by using scenario modeling to assist humans in making predictive analytics-based decisions. AI has the potential to become truly symbiotic with human cognition beyond this point, becoming an increasingly important tool for understanding the world – and discovering new ways to improve it.

While many businesses have utilized AI to automate operations, those who use it primarily to replace workers will only realize short-term productivity benefits. In our 1,500-company study, we discovered that when people and robots collaborate, enterprises make the most substantial performance increases. Humans and AI actively increase each other's complementary qualities through collaborative intelligence: the former's leadership, teamwork, creativity, and social skills, and the latter's speed, scalability, and quantitative capabilities. What comes effortlessly to humans (telling a joke, for example) might be difficult for computers, and what is simple for machines (analyzing terabytes of data) is nearly impossible for humans. Both types of competencies are required in business. Companies must understand how humans can most successfully complement technology, how machines can improve what humans do best, and how to build business processes to accommodate the partnership in order to benefit from this cooperation fully. We've produced recommendations to assist organizations to do this and put the potential of collective intelligence to work as a result of our research and fieldwork.

Photo by on Unsplash


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